Whatsapp limitations

In this document we describe the rules that should be followed when connecting WhatsApp to a CRM system
The most correct answer: Use official integration with WhatsApp
If the user does not want to be blocked
  • Do not send more than 5-10 messages per minute, i.e. send messages in batches, but not all at once;
  • Connect a WhatsApp registered number that has been active more than 90 days. If you have just registered a number, wait a day before connecting it to the service and then use it.
  • Consider the reaction of users to the message. Usually 3 client clicks on the "Spam" button are enough to block the number;
  • Having links in the messages increases the chance to be banned;
  • WhatsApp does not have a physical limit on the number of messages, but there is a recommendation not to exceed 5,000 messages per day. If this amount is greater, it is better to allocate them into several different accounts. Also, if the number of incoming and outgoing messages is approximately the same, then you can send a little bit more than 5,000 messages;
  • Use a device on which there were no previous bans;
  • Receive incoming messages. The more incoming messages you receive, the better. Incoming messages are not taken into account in the recommendation not to exceed 5000 messages.
  • Do not write the same message. Use the masks that are on amoCRM and Bitrix24 to automatically substitute the name or data from the fields.
If you connect WhatsApp-number to CRM or any another constructor, be prepared for your number to be BANNED for violating the license agreement!
Write to WhatsApp technical support asking why it is banned and whether it is possible to unban it. According to our statistics, 50% of numbers are returned. Technical support responds quickly, within 2-3 hours.

Attention! Even if the number is returned, the connection on the previously blocked device must occur according to the instructions:

  1. Delete the blocked WhatsApp / WhatsApp Business application.
  2. Delete your Google account (disable synchronization with a valid Google account).
  3. Disconnect from Wi-Fi.
  4. Turn off the phone.
  5. Replace the sim-card.
  6. Turn on the phone.
  7. Create a NEW Google account and log in under it.
  8. Install the WhatsApp / WhatsApp Business application on the mobile Internet.
  9. Register your WhatsApp number on the mobile Internet.
  10. Scan the QR code on the mobile Internet.
  11. Let the integration work on the mobile Internet for 2-3 hours.
  12. Connect Wi-Fi.
The most important thing is cleaning the integration and asking the technical support that this has been done. Otherwise, you may be blocked again.
Connect WhatsApp to amoCRM or Bitrix24.
Connect directly through any convenient messenger
General recommendations
  1. Use WhatsApp Business App. It was created specifically for business. Go to YouTube and watch a video about this topic on the channel "Radist.Online"
  2. Do not send mailings from a number that you do not want to be blocked.
  3. Do not use emulators. WhatsApp team will see it. User will be blocked without a refund!
  4. Do not send duplicate messages. WhatsApp team monitors the same messages and bans it too. Try to change at least one word in the message. If you work from CRM, take some data from the fields.